I finally have my garage door automation working with Home Assistant, a Sonoff SV, iOS notifications, actions and Google Assistant.
It has been a challenge with changes in syntax between HA versions and getting the right format in yaml files. It is nice to finally get it figured out.
I followed Dr. Z’s videos for the most part, but had to do research for the iOS notifications and actions.
Here are my files on Git Hub
Parts used:
- Raspberry PI 3+
- Hassio 0.95.4
- Sonoff SV
- Reed Switch
- Tasmota 6.5
Commands entered in the Sonoff Console:
- Switchretain 1
- Powerretain 1
- switchtopic2 sonoff
- switchmode1 0
- switchmode2 2
- PulseTime1 10
Pins to hook the reed switch to:
- GPIO 14 to 10 Switch2
- GPIO 4 to 22 Relay2
Link to iOS Automations