I did an update to the latest version of Home Assistant, and boom it did not boot.
I am running Hassio on a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ and did not have a permanent monitor hooked up to it, and has to scramble to find a monitor with HDMI.
In the end I did not need to hook up a monitor, I was able to ssh in with no problem. I ran :
hassio homeassistant check
This displayed I had an error in my automations.yaml.
cd /config
vi automations.yaml
removed the extra space in front of a -dash (Gotta love yaml </sarcasm>) and boom the config passed and I reloaded with.
hassio homeassistant start
Hassio has some nice built in commands to diagnose and help get things back up.
I also noticed that you can restore snapshots from here
hassio sn –list
hassio cn -slug ######
Always good to have an issue like this so you can learn to diagnose and fix. It took me awhile to figure it out by bang my head against the keyboard, but in the end I learned a great deal more 🙂